Volunteers recognized in yearend appreciation gathering of IVO

페이지 정보

작성자 국제통번역단
댓글 0건 조회 1,232회 작성일 14-01-21 11:08


Volunteers who help to keep our community running were recognized for their efforts during an appreciation function held at KFTA auditorium in downtown Seoul on Dec.27, 2013.

Cited were 100 plus volunteers, mostly student volunteers who are affiliated with the International Interpretation & Translation Volunteer Organization (IVO) registered as NGO with the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism which is a central government agency responsible for the areas of tourism, culture, art, religion, and sports.

The volunteer organization has a total membership of 2,500 here and abroad and their community volunteering connects social, environmental, and economic boundaries as well.

During the appreciation ceremony chaired by Park Jong-kil, former vice minister of culture, sports and tourism, exemplary volunteers were cited with awards given by mayor of Seoul municipality, speaker of the Seoul Municipal Council and HE Liang Ying-ping, representative of the Taipei Mission in Korea, in recognition of their altruistic activities that promote good or improve human quality of life.
There is no financial gain involved for the volunteering in translation and interpretation. Many volunteers are specifically trained in the areas they work, such as hospitality industries, education, or emergency rescue. Others serve on an as-needed basis, such as in response to a natural disaster involving foreigners.

In the year of 2013. IVO logged 6,500 volunteer hours at working sites across the country. Of that total, 4,800 volunteer hours were recognized by the Certifying Organization to be qualified for citations given at the ceremony on Dec. 27.

Grand prize given by Seoul city mayor went to Park Woo-shik (general sector) and Kim Ji-yoo (student sector).Three volunteers- Kim Bo-young, Sung He-rim and Dong Yoon-jong, were given awards given by Taipei Mission in Korea or the Republic of China diplomatic mission in Korea.
Among other recipients of the awards during the ceremony included Koo Hee-young, Park Young-ja and Suh Sung-won.

People doing volunteering with IVO is generally considered an altruistic activity and is intended to promote good or improve human quality of life. In return, this activity can produce a feeling of self-worth and respect.


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